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Prosper, TX 75078|
200 Crown Colony Drive
4 Bedrooms + 2 Baths||2,290 Sq Ft

Prosper Beauty With a Pool!

Situated on a large corner lot, this Prosper home offers a backyard with a pool ready to take a dip on a warm summers day.
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Single-Story Living

The open concept floorplan is accented with plenty of natural light and archways for a dramatic effect. New carpet, paint, and fixtures make this home move-in ready.
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Cook for the whole family

A well designed kitchen with a tasteful combination of features -- including a high ceiling, gas range oven, microwave, light tile floors and dark stone countertops -- all made more comfortable by cozy wood cabinetry.
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With four spacious bedrooms, use one as an office or flex space- the possibilities are endless! The two bathrooms each offer dual vanities and various amenities.

A sanctuary for your everyday life

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Each office is independently owned and operated. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Not intended to solicit sellers or buyers under written contract with another REALTOR®.
Jody Daley
Acquisto Real Estate
8146 County Road 860, McKinney, TX 75071